vineri, 4 februarie 2011

T.S.O.T.A.V episode 1

<=Before reading anything, you must listen to this.

Another night, another ocasion for de super villain to destroy.
Meticulously planing its breakfast in the headquarters, the fluffy creature suddenly hears the phone ringing.
"hello? who`s there?" asks the creature with its voice so deep.
"... your master is in danger, meet me at the petshop at midnight, no cops!"
"Of course there will be no cops, stupid! I`m a villain..." says the creature before hanging up.
This seems to be the most important mission of its life (the first one,actually) so it must be done correctly.
Puts on its mantle, the mask ( so it will be unrecognisable), quietly steps out of its "nest", rips the door of as quietly as possible so the children won`t wake up.
The streets are cold in January, but the creature feels no cold, no warmth, no love, no hate... only the need to take to an end all of its missions and keeping the master proud. Striding swiftly only on the dark sides of the alley, the villain reaches the pet shop.
"Oh, these stupid muts, living in ignorance, only caring about their perfect fur...and these cats, make me wanna throw up. Can`t catch me, ha ha!" says the creature
"Hello, my good friend, it`s me Chmurka..."

To be continued....

we will find out who chmurka is and what is the mission the villain will have to carry out.

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